We require 60 days' written notice to withdraw. Unless we are able to fill the space before the end of the notice period, tuition is due for the entire period, no exceptions.


We exclude ill children from the center when the presence of the child risks spreading an infection to the other children and when the ill child requires more attention and care than is available by the regularly scheduled staff.

In compliance with the Rules for the Certification of Child Care Centers and the State of Oregon, the Center shall not admit or retain in care a child who has one of the following symptoms, or combination of symptoms, or illness:

  • Fever over 100. F - auxiliary reading - 24 hour exclusion after fever resolution without medication

  • Diarrhea (one abnormally loose, runny, watery or bloody stool) - 48 hour exclusion

  • Vomiting - 48 hour exclusion

  • Nausea

  • Severe cough

  • Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes

  • Any eye lesions, eye discharge that is yellow or green in color (includes pink eye/conjunctivitis)

  • Skin or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus-filled, or are rapidly spreading while in care

  • Difficulty breathing or abnormal wheezing

  • Complaints of severe pain

If your child shows signs of any of these symptoms, s/he will be isolated within the center away from other children, and we will call and ask you to remove your child from the center as soon as possible.

Your child must be symptom–free for 24 hours without the aid of pain or fever reducers prior to re-admittance to the center.

If your child requires medications to dull symptoms of illness, they are not well enough attend school, and should remain at home.

We have a NO NIT policy – children with lice or nits will be asked to leave the center upon detection, and may not return until they are nit free.


ChildRoots is a pro-immunization community.  We only enroll families who commit to vaccinating their children according the State of Oregon immunization timeline, which is stated below:

ChildRoots enrolled students are required to have the following immunizations:  Tdap and polio series (2 months to 18 months), Varicella (18 months), MMR first dose (12 months), Hepatitis A (18 months), Hepatitis B series (2 months to 18 months), Hib series (2 months to 18 months).